Obstetrics and Gynecology
Areas of Expertise as a doctor:
Broad experience in obstetrics:
- family planning and pregnant women supervision,
- normal and pathologic labor management,
- instrumental delivery by forceps or vacuum extractor,
- twin delivery and assisted breech delivery,
- all the labor ward emergencies management: ante- and post-partum hemorrhage, preterm labor, eclampsia, shoulder dystocia, cord prolapse, perineal suturing of episiotomy, second, third and fourth degree tears reparation
- cesarean section/
Therapy of patients with gynecological diseases and disorders:
- counselling about family planning methods, performing insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices, laparoscopic bilateral tubal ligation, oral contraception prescribing, hormonal-releasing system insertion.
- sexual Transmitted Diseases treatment
- all types gynecological pathology out-patients treatment,
- abortions (surgical and medicamentous),
- all types gynecology surgical manipulations and interventions, laparotomic and endoscopic: total and subtotal hysterectomy, ovarian cystectomy, salpingectomy, oophorectomy and myomectomy, urgent laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy and complicated ovarian cyst, vaginal hysterectomy, anterior repair for cystocoele and posterior repair for rectocoele, surgical management of miscarriage, reconstructive surgeries in placenta accreta (percreta) case, intestinal sutures and anastomoses, bladder surgery,
- Intimate plastic surgery
Gynecological and obstetrical Ultrasound investigations:
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound,
- Antenatal screening,
- Doppler velocimetry,
- Cervicometry,
Medical Education (Russia):
- 1994-2000: Basic higher medical education (Bachelor degree), Diploma (Nizhny Novgorod State academy, Russian Federation),
- 2001-2001: Internship (Master Degree), Certificate of Ministry of Health (Nizhny Novgorod State academy, Russian Federation),
- 2004-2008: Postgraduate course (Obstetrics and Gynecology) (Nizhny Novgorod State academy, Russian Federation), PhD
- 2008: Professional retraining (Ultrasonic Diagnosis) (Nizhny Novgorod State academy, Russian Federation),
- 2013: Training course. Clinical obstetrics (Ivanovo medical University),
- 2017: Professional development. Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy, Operative Laparoscopy (Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology – Russia),
- 2019: Professional development, Gynecological Laparoscopy (Regional Medical Centre, Russia),
- 2020: Professional development, Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Russia),
Work Experience (Russia)
- 2002-2006: Specialist, Obstetrician and gynecologist, Nizhny Novgorod Central Hospital, Russia
- 2006–2009: Specialist, Obstetrician and gynecologist, Nizhny Novgorod Private outpatient Hospital, Russia
- 2009–2013: Senior Specialist, Obstetrician and gynecologist of Pregnancy Pathology Department, Regional Clinical Hospital, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
- 2018–2023: Consultant in Obstetrics and gynecology, Head of Obstetrical department Nizhny Novgorod Central hospital, Perinatal Centre, Russia
- I category in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2019 (Russia),
- Author of 9 scientific medical articles,
- Member of Russian Society of Obstetricians and gynecologists (RSOG), The International Society of Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology (ISUOG)